Egglike Wiki

Welcome to the Egglike Wiki![]

The Egglike Wiki is the officially unofficial wiki for Egglikes! In our community, we discuss games that fit in the Egglike genre, which in turn are referred to as "Egglikes" (or egglike games). If you know what an egglike is, then let's get to work! You can help by adding and/or giving attributions to pages about egglike games, people, players, symbols, items, references of all sorts made in-game, etc. Our wiki is still as small as a marble ball, so any help is really appreciated.

"But what is an egglike?"[]

Since the egglike genre is an unofficial game genre, therefore, its attributes are also unofficial. However, most of these attributes can be identified in certain unique games that look pretty similar in general. With this fact, we were able to give you an idea of what an egglike game is, and, indirectly, what the egglike genre is as well. Check it out:

Egglike (game genre)

Latest activity[]



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The Fantastic Game-0